Showcasing local talent to industry, including friends & family of students.
Our live showcase is a free quarterly event, presented at the end of each term.
Similar to The Actors Studio, only we warmly welcome non-actors.
Students & Industry Guests can subscribe for free.
Workshop schedule now announced.
My Mobile Shorts now accepts Pay in 4. A buy now pay later interest free payment option in 4 easy installments per/fortnight of $112.50 via PayPal.
EFT also available: $65.99 per/workshop.
BSB – 084424
Acc – 726114074
Ref – My Mobile Shorts WI or Full Term.
Send – Screenshot of bank remittance advice receipt to M: 0412786549.
Introducing grass roots, to a world of opportunity.
Building Self-Confidence
Building Networks
Building Results
How does My Mobile Shorts work exactly?
We Workshop
We Rehearse
We give and share valued Feedback.
We Showcase our work.
Join us at My Mobile Shorts, a fun-filled short play event in Brisbane, coinciding with the school terms 1-4.
My Mobile Shorts aims to help participants discover & harness their self-confidence through fun self-expression activities leading up to a live performance or showcase at the end of term for industry & non-industry people, including a relaxed Q&A with the audience, usually the friends and family of workshop participants.
Industry people can include:
Casting Directors
Casting Associates
Theatre Makers
Talent Agents
Independent Film Makers
The reason we open our Showcase to industry & non-industry people is because acting essentially can lead to opportunities, even if the player doesn’t consider themselves to be an ‘actor’ per se. Some of the best opportunities can present themselves when we aren’t focused on a specific outcome, rather simply exploring our own enjoyment & self-development.
Places are limited for this very affordable acting workshop, and you don’t have to be an actor to participate, because the focus of this creative workshop is building self-confidence through fun, dynamic & engaging activities for the purpose of self-expression.
Referral Fees Applicable:
Do you know someone who might benefit from My Mobile Shorts?
Simply tell them to provide the following details when enrolling, & the referring person will receive a 10% referral fee, just for successfully referring their friends, family & colleagues.
“I was referred by”:
“I want to refer the following friend, family or colleague”:
First/Last Name
Commercial Sponsors.
If you would like to apply to be a commercial sponsor of My Mobile Shorts, with several attractive sponsorship packages available, we would warmly welcome your enquiry. Please see our contact details below.
If you would like to apply to be a playwright, and have your work be workshopped by the students of My Mobile Shorts, we would warmly welcome your enquiry. Please see our contact details below.
Q. Can I workshop a short scene that I have written?
A. Absolutely, My Mobile Shorts is all about workshopping, development, seeking and sharing feedback.
Q. My son has a physical disability, is that ok?
A. Absolutely, My Mobile Shorts celebrates those with disability, because disability without the ‘dis’ is ability.
Q. My wife has dyslexia, so would this course still be ok for her?
A. Absolutely, because My Mobile Shorts is all about building self-confidence through self-expression, using short scenes & plays, so this course is a perfect platform for those with dyslexia to learn how to use their dyslexia productively.
Q. Is this course accredited?
A. No, however, we believe we have something even better than an accreditation. We have a showcase or a live performance in the final week of the term, whereby industry & non-industry guests are invited to attend, including a brief Q&A with the audience. Industry guests can include Casting Directors & their associates, independent theatre & film makers, producers, directors, photographers & talent agents. Non-industry guests can include friends, family & relatives of the workshop participants.
Q. If I feel that I need some additional one on one training sessions during or after the course, is that possible?
A. Absolutely, all workshop participants can book individual training online or in-person, depending on their preference, either during the course, or after.
Q. I don’t have any plans to be an actor, so will I be letting any industry people down by partaking in the live showcase at the end of term?
A. Absolutely not, because the live showcase is as much about the friends & family of our students viewing your work, as it can also be about the invited industry people who choose to attend too. If an industry person does want to make contact with one of our students, we will always seek our student’s permission first, before introducing them.
Q. Why do you believe so strongly in workshopping actors alongside non-actors, and does it work?
A. Excellent question, & the answer is yes, because acting essentially is about acting & reacting truthfully. In my career as an acting teacher, I have witnessed many non-actors who bring such a refreshing interpretation to a scene, all because they can easily tap into organic responses, helping the actors experience creative epiphanies, frequently. There’s an old cliche in show business, ‘Never work with pets or children’. I beg to differ, because both pets & children usually respond most truthfully, of all.
Workshop Structure
Week 1: (Australia Day – Workshop will still be on for those who can attend.)
Let’s get to know each other! Players engage in fun activities, aimed to break the ice, learn something new & an invitation to share their own story, if they so choose to.
Week 2:
What is story telling? Players explore the objective of storytelling, by workshopping a short scene & unpacking the dramatic tensions that make a story interesting to watch.
Week 3:
How does story telling actually happen? Players engage in a new short scene, by way of workshopping the dramatic tensions explored in week 2, with greater emphasis on entrance, body & exit.
Week 4:
What is a cold read? Players read a selection of short scenes & discuss which short scenes are of interest to them, gradually working towards short listing one short scene that they want to perform in week 10, with their chosen partner.
Week 5:
Let’s begin workshopping our chosen scene, with our chosen partner, & share some feedback, both positive & constructive in a warm, supportive & nurturing space for creative self-expression to be demonstrated & celebrated.
Week 6:
What is the dramatic tension of time, & how can time & event influence our short scene?
Week 7:
What is the dramatic tension of place, location & setting, & how can place influence our short scene?
Week 8:
What is the dramatic tension of task, & how can an objective influence our short scene?
Week 9:
What is the dramatic tension of relationship, & how can relationship influence our short scene?
Week 10: (Good Friday – Showcase may need to be presented in week 9 instead, to accommodate students and their guests, both family & industry.)
Let’s perform our short scenes for our friends & family. Usually, players invite 1-3 friends & family members to their live performance. Doors open at 630pm, players rehearse for further 15min, as the show starts at 645pm, including a relaxed Q&A with the audience from 815-830pm. The Q&A is a wonderful opportunity for the audience to ask to questions & share their feedback about the different scenes they saw, & it can be quite cathartic for players to receive genuine feedback from those they know & those they may not know, because self-expression develops from self-confidence. That’s a wrap.
Sound exciting, dynamic & interactive? We would love to have you workshop with us, and we look forward to your good company.
Please note:
This workshop is non-refundable and also excludes all rescheduling.
Students are welcome to use their phones or smart devices to record their work, like a weekly visual or audio blog, especially if this supports their learning process.
Contact Us:
M: 0412786549